Monday, February 28, 2011

iPad test drive, typed on the ipad in Google docs

typing test take one
I cannot touch the keys like on a normal keyboard. I have to keep my fingers floating above which is odd. The keyboard is also not quite
the same size as a usual qwerty board, which feels a bit off, but definitely better than using a phone or something. Overall it feels pretty natural.

so as i go down the page, the typos are jukkib. Killing me, th e keys are just a bit too small, feels just a bit to off to make sense. Maybe you get used to it in a few minutes

story time, this thing would be frustrating for people who look at the keys, as if you don't notice your typos, you will miss them big time. ahh. so you can type in a normal style by getting out of the mobile version of docs.

hmm. that was a lot of work. how coould anyone work like this?

Friday, February 18, 2011

promo for young @ heart. Do you like?

young at heart promo from JSAC on Vimeo.


This is some fantastic writing. Why the writer/director/animator/badass Carson Mell isn't a huge star is beyond me.

firefly - objects in space

paying the bills can be fun. spot I cut for ovation tv.

objects in space, episode of firefly from JSAC on Vimeo.

boy this thing feels long...

the dishwasher - extended version from JSAC on Vimeo.

a short we made last year. Definitely learned a lot on this one.

ahh, to be in college again...making people wear earmuffs

Heavenly from JSAC on Vimeo.

a short we made last year

Made in Germany from JSAC on Vimeo.